Andong Project Blog

A Textile Project in South Korea

The Andong Shop May 25, 2009

The ultimate goal of  the Andong Project is The Andong Shop, where two categories of products will be present. First of the two is the modernised Andong craft. Ranging from organic hemp to ceramics, Andong craft has been considered very traditional and conservative until now, with a predominant image of mid-low cost tourist souvenirs despite the high quality of the craftsmanship. However, vast potential can be realised by bringing traditional Andong products and culture together with the cutting-edge design and modernism of the best-in class young British designers. By inviting these British designers to come to Andong and work while appreciating the local culture, it is hoped that they will be able to give an insightful yet exciting re-interpretation of the Andong craft, whose resulting designs will be produced in Andong with a transformation into luxury goods of the highest quality.

Secondly, part of the shop will be devoted to goods from the United Kingdom produced by Royal Warrant holders. synonymous with an utmost commitment to quality and attention to detail. Korean customers will be able to encounter the same luxurious craftsmanship from the selection of the goods that are also supplied to the Royal household, in line with the new status of  the Andong craft as similarly high-end products.


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